innate centered chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care is a healing art founded on the principal that that the body is self-healing and self-regulating. The purpose of chiropractic care is not the treatment of condition or disease, but the restoration of normal body function. The foundational principles begin with understanding that WITHIN each of us resides everything you need to heal.

Our self-healing self-regulating nervous systems are composed of the brain and spinal cord. This intimately responds to all systems in the body and allows you to receive, perceive and integrate outside information. It is also the function of your nervous system to respond and adapt to stressors we encounter in our everyday lives; physical, chemical and emotional.

When our capacity to handle these stressful experiences is exceeded, the system stores the stress. The more storage we accumulate, the more rigid and inflexible we can become and the less likely we are to respond dynamically to new experiences. Often our body compromises its structure + function and communicates this unintegrated storage of energy through symptomatology - i.e tension, fatigue, pain, illness. These are the common symptoms we see everyday as a chiropractor, and our job is to uncover the WHY. Why are you experiencing these symptoms and how can we help the nervous system ADAPT. We are here to hold space for the expression and observation of what your body is telling us through these symptoms. Through the Chiropractic adjustment we have the ability to transform these experiences - unleashing the healing power of the body. Innate centered chiropractic care focuses on not what is wrong with you, but what is already right within you. As you move through care at Soulfully Adjusted, it is not only our goal that you get out of pain, but that you learn to experience life to your greatest potential.

your first visit

Dr. Hailey knows that each individual is unique. This is why first visits in the office are 45 minutes, to really get to know you, your goals and your body.

Once you book your initial visit, you’ll have access to our New Client paperwork where you can fill out everything you’d like Dr. Hailey to know. She wants to know all about YOU. Once you come into the office, you will see it is a very family orientated, community based space - we want you to feel like it is your second home.

During your first visit with Dr. Hailey, she will go over all of your paperwork and make sure she addresses any question you may have. During your time together, Dr. Hailey will perform a neurological assessment to assess your nervous system - the master system of the body. Once the exam is finished, you’ll receive your first gentle and specific chiropractic adjustment! After your adjustment, feel free to hang out in the office, get to know other practice members or relax with some tea - don’t forget to book your next visit where we’ll go over all the findings from your exam!

Dr. Hailey will take time between visits to go over your paperwork and assessment findings and create a custom care plan for you!


your second visit.

Dr. Hailey likes to say on the second visit is where the magic happens! You’ll go over all of the results of the neurological assessment as well as receive your custom care plan. From there, after all questions have been answered, you’ll receive your second adjustment and be on your way to expressing life! Dr. Hailey will walk you through the process start to finish.

When we are through with the adjustment, feel free to hang out in the office, visit with other members or relax with some water or tea. After all, our space is meant to be a space you can escape and relax!

pediatric care.

There is nothing that sparks more joy in Dr. Hailey than working with children! As children, we are in touch with our innocence, aliveness, and freedom to express, but as we grow, we develop patterns and ultimately taking on layers life’s “stuff.” While our journey earth-side is one of the most miraculous experiences, it coincidentally can be traumatic resulting in a tremendous amount of stress both emotionally and physically. Navigating through life, no matter what the age, comes with it’s challenges - especially it’s bumps, falls and bruises.

We utilize specific and gentle adjustments to check the nervous systems of children as early as moments after birth. Most of the time, people begin chiropractic care when they are in pain, but when it comes to children, especially those who have not yet learnt to communicate with words, this type of care looks different. The nature of this care is not in the fixing or adding a diagnoses, but reduction of nerve system stress, restoration of physiologic balance and ultimately fullest expression of life. Children innately know how to express health and at Soulfully Adjusted we love to see your littles THRIVE. Utilizing nervous system focused chiropractic will support this foundational concept for a life full of adapting, growing and continually reconnecting to the healing power within.


book your initial consult here